Sunday, May 4, 2014

Scout Stuff. Exerpts from Scout 93.... The Fugly Lies

Firstly some clarity. Why do I write about this stuff ? Living on the street, being constantly bombarded with microwaves, never being allowed to have a complete nights sleep, having my computers destroyed and stolen, having my food intake drugged (at the supermarket shelf level), none of these are my imagination, yet to those whom it has not happened, I can certainly understand how unlikely it all
sounds. I believe it is because I have discovered that some people can be very evil (as per their treatment of me vis microwave and acoustic weapons and other things as described in the scout files) and that it
is obvious that they treat me this way to stop me from revealing my discoveries to you. My thesis is that I would seem to represent a microcosm of society and the injustices perpetrated on
me represent your future, the wise are those that are acting in accordance with my revelations.
I will say, that although they have a head start on us of several thousand years – we can win this. Although staying out of the concentration camps and obtaining a defence against the microwave
weapons would seem to be important elements. I like to think that I write about this stuff because I came upon it accidentally. At first I refused to believe it. Then I started to eliminate all that was wrong with the various “rumours” on YouTube. What I was left with after I had eliminated all that was patently disinformation/misinformation was that we were headed for some type of calamitous event that had caused the Western Governments of the world to divert billions/trillions of taxpayer funds into underground bunker and food storage.
One fact was glaringly obvious. Almost no-one in Authority was playing with a straight deck.
In fact, it became obvious to me that even those in charge were lying to each other. When Presidents around the world give each other impossible short timetables to construct underground bunkers, [per ViVo, Indonesia/Malaysia] and omit important future events (methane fireballs, Plasma soup ingress, Peratt Plasma columns, effective nuclear winter), then it is obvious that the intended objective is for a very few chosen will actually come out the other side of what we,
as a planet are facing [see discussion about nutritional matters later in this document].
I am not actually sure any more whether I am in a good place or bad place. The people around me act friendly, but occasionally something doesn't make sense. One of the things that doesn't make sense to me is the resources they put into drugging me with paliperidone. The other day they had an entire complicated Ambulance scenario complete with herding (stabbing followed by fake Tetanus shot?) indigenous folk.
The KOVTR website is now injected with a low grade tracking Virii... and I am not in a position to clean it.
There would in fact appear to be two web sites, one just for me and one for the rest of you.
Every so often I see the second site when I peek briefly from a computer that they don't know I have access too. Therefore I have to assume that the Scout files are not always getting out to where they need to get too and may not be the same files as written by myself.
Therefore, dear reader, please send your copy of this file to those whom you would like to help.
There are few of us that don't like playing games.
Rubic's cube took the world by storm because although it looked simple, for most of it was a difficult and challenging obstacle.
Autistic persons or those with Aspergers syndrome related to coloured patterns better than the rest of us and made the solution look easy.
Many of us like the occasional game of skill or intellectual challenge.
Some of us like to play Chess, or Doom or Wolfenstein or Call of Duty.
All of these games have the ability to accelerate our adrenalin levels and allow us to feel “alive”.
In many of these games, particularly the interactive [online] games there is a level of psychological deviousness. Feinting to the left when you intend to go to the right.
Let the enemy think you are doing one thing when doing exactly the opposite.
A pretty neat trick.
In the fifties, ladies were told that a good housewife puts her husbands slippers in front of him, and mixes a couple of Martinis as he walks in the door from a hard day at the office.
In the eighties, the ladies discovered that the office wasn't actually that hard. As a consequence, they have taken over the Boardrooms of several companies world wide.
Yet even here I see the hand of the master puppeteer at work. Female versus male. A new disagreement. Divide and Conquer. Give them something else to worry about.
To the people running this show, the concept is give them entertainment, take their money, use it to build bunkers.
The advantage of a being a scout.
Knowing that the Government are lying about scintillation levels.
(They are a lot worse than people realise.)
Unfortunately, Simplicity Funerals will have a bumper and growing crop every month this year.
Mainly elder male members of our society. (Daily aspirin will help a little for the heart racing from the radiation but it will not prevent the rapid onset metastasising cancers.)
The rest of us will find that food at the Supermarkets is no longer fresh.
Tomatoes, Peaches, Watermelons, Bananas – all with soft spots that appear to be coming from inside the fruit. I identified this trend last year with my warnings about safe and unsafe foods.
This year of course, it is becoming harder to hide. However, as per last year, I will say that under plastic and hydroponically grown plants are of course still edible. In fact, they're the only ones I would buy.
The disadvantages of being a scout.
Well , can you imagine waking every day in a different location and being surprised to do so.
In another universe at another time, I would seriously contemplate applying for the most shot person in the Guinness Book of Records.
I estimate that I have been shocked, shot and jabbed with over fifty thousand individual (e.g.: last weekend in the mall I estimate there were at least 65-80 people all punching their mobile phones as I walked through the mall. The total number of needle like to pencil like jabs that I felt around my heart, neck and head would be over a thousand in the space of only a few minutes.
We have also learnt in the last few months that these people are not above injecting palperidone into food on the shelves at the supermarkets.
In fact I was banned from the Mitchell Centre so that they could have somewhere safe to continue their shopping from. Yet, curiously whilst they are all aiding Bill Painter and his merry band of Mossad hit men to herd me around, deprive me of sleep [to destroy my immune system] and poison my food, they are not really telling them about how much radiation is really coming into town.
Last year during the more serious radiation events, I noticed that police cars were absent from our roads.
This month, that is no longer the case.

Therefore the sham “we'll make sure you're safe” is starting to fall apart because of the growing radiation levels.
Of course, no-one will realise they've been duped until the 1% are under ground in their bunkers.
And when they go to their bunkers, that's when the rest of us will realise that we have been used in a most evil fashion to provide the wherewithal for the 1% to be safe.
Yet even those numbers are not right.
The Georgia Guide-stones gives succour and comfort to the scores of minions out there that believe...

But lets just look at 1% of the worlds population which is actually only 70million. 
The event/earth changes that we are about to go through will last seventy-two years.
So that's food for 70 million for seventy-two years.
Assuming they will be living on minimum rations... that requires: 
For comparative purposes, a McDonalds Big Mac is 8750 Calories.
And Water...

Assuming a very sedentary underground lifestyle.

Giving us a total of 40 tons per person per lifespan. That is, 40 pallets of food and water approximately 1.4 metres high x 990 mm x 1120 mm or 65 cubic metres per person.

(This is the “lean” and absolutely minimum levels of food intake model.)
Seventy million people therefore require 4,585,229,404 (four billion) cubic metres of food storage.
Somehow, I don't think they have the seventy million covered...
That they will be one of the five hundred million.
In fact, The Australian head of whoever has the money to send Apache helicopters, 727's, Dornier Search and Rescue, Navy King Helicopters and 200+ foot patrols (Bill Painter) has for the last few years been involved in getting fish farming right.
This suggests to me that in fact, fish will be the main fresh food fare as well as beans and mushrooms.
The Biosphere experiments of the eighties proved that a quarter acre block of land can provide food for eight people, although not enough to make them overweight. The papers on the topic stress that protein levels needed to be boosted with fresh protein (fish ?) to ensure success in the future.
The plans that I viewed in Bill Painter's Fivedock offices for Fish Farms were small and designed to produce fish in the less than five hundred kilograms per week quantities.
(In other words, sufficient to feed a core group of 
Protein p/Serve = 17 Gms. Can of Sardines Approx = 2750 Cal.
Gee 23 people (and point 8). Huge number. Just how Many Politicians, Policeman, Public Servants, Aboriginals has Mr. Painter promised to save ?
Mr. Painter will be looking after number one. His wife Dr Evelyn [get the drugs right for Tom], his two children and his faithful sidekick, Saul. Maybe the household dog will get saved as well.
I do believe that there are some resources constructed around Australia, in the Gulf country (Carpentaria), Nabarlek, and most likely the hills around Kosciusko where Mr. Painter once told me he had access to acreage.
So how many will survive ? Mr. Painter will survive and he is obviously determined that I shall not...
Well that depends on how many have access to alternative energy generation systems.
The only power systems that will function adequately in the future will be those that are compatible with a plasma environment. (So probably not anything that relies on VLSI (high density) chipset technology.) I'm guessing the actual numbers that have adequate food and potable (non-radioactive) water supplies will be very limited.
Places like VRD downs in the Kimberley's and the Pyramid building at Pine Creek are too little, too late.
These facilities will provide shelter in the future but the radiation levels now are already claiming victims amongst the elder members of the male population. (Men's blood is thicker and harder to pump through a radiation stressed heart.)
The Water...
Its all about the water. The chemtrails have been dumping nasties into our water supply since 2007.
As the majority of rain is now chemtrail derived, a great deal of our drinking water is now leaning towards the toxic.
Indigenous Essential Services Sustainable Water Management
To ensure reliable, good quality water supply to remote parts of the Northern. Territory, beginning with the variable nature of the extent and quality of groundwater supplies.
The large underground catchments in the Northern Territory are the big draw card.
Water bores in the NT
Aboriginal legend tells of a people that survived a previous underground dreaming time by eating underground burrowing marsupials (predominantly Bandicoots).
Drinking Radio-active water or eating vegetables watered with radio active water is a fast way to become rather glowy.
There have over the last ten years several attempts to map and discover all natural water resources in Australia.
The need to find non surface water that is under pressure is becoming urgent.
Therefore bore water, from an area that isn't on a fault line, and liquid urea on the plants is the best long term plan.
I would also try to recycle the plant watering to be reutilised over and over again by diverting the drainage form the plants to a small pond with the appropriate water lily rhizomes and duckweed.
Along with Caves....
Figure 1: Australian karst areas, showing climatic zones. Zone II Monsoonal wet-dry tropics; Zone III Arid; Zone IV Mediterranean winter wet/ summer dry.
Normally I end with Rice, Water yadda yadda, today we end with :
Duckweed for Water Cleaning and Energy Productionprominent, because
In recent years a commonly occurring aquatic plant, “duckweed”, has become prominent because of its ability to concentrate minerals on heavily polluted water such as that arising from sewage treatment facilities. However, it has also attracted the attention of scientists because of its apparent high potential as a feed resource for livestock (Skillicorn et al., 1993; Leng, et al., 1994). Duckweed grows on water with relatively high levels of N, P and K and concentrates the minerals and synthesises protein. These are the nutrients which are often critically deficient in traditional fodders and feeds given to ruminants and to pigs and poultry particularly where the former depend on 
agro-industrial byproducts and crop residues. The plant duckweed can be exploited in several ways, since it can simultaneously clean the wastewater, produce animal feed and be used as a Duckweed is a hardy floating plant that reproduces vegetatively very fast; it can easily cover the surface of almost any aquarium within several days. Regular (weekly) removal of excess plants is necessary to prevent total coverage of the water surface. It is quite attractive when it occurs among other floating plants. Most aquarists acquire Duckweed as "hitchhikers" on other plants, wood and floating in fish bag water.It is a high nutrient-requirement plant, thus particularly useful in new aquaria and "natural" filtration of water; if this plant does not grow well, it is a certain sign of nutrient deficiency in the water. Rarely will there be troublesome algae with duckweed on the surface. High in protein and fats, it is a nutritious food source (and an excellent natural laxative) for vegetarian fishes such as goldfish and carp; the common name comes from the fact that ducks are very fond of eating this plant. This species is almost indistinguishable from Lemna gibba. Both will flower above water, though fruit is very rare with L. minor. The plants propagate by division and this is very rapid. The floating "leaves" are actually fronds, 1 to 8(10) mm long and 0.6 to 7 mm wide. I am familiar with four types of duckweed: Little duckweed (Lemna minor), Great duckweed (Lemna polyrrhiza) Thick duckweed (Lemna gibba) and Cross duckweed (Lemna triscula).So we will try to do an update file on Duckweed in the near future. But in the mean time. Google is your friend. (OK, it can be used for searching. It's not really your friend.)